1. To advise the Secretary for Development ("SDEV") on the operation of the Built Heritage Conservation Fund ("BHCF");
  2. To examine applications and make recommendations to SDEV on the use of historic buildings as announced by the Government from time to time, under the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme. Upon selection of successful applications, to recommend the level of subsidy both in terms of the one-off major renovation costs and the one-off grant to meet the starting costs and operating deficits. In case of non-compliance by the successful applicants (or tenants), to advise what actions are to be taken;
  3. To monitor the operation of the Financial Assistance for Maintenance Scheme on Built Heritage;
  4. To advise SDEV on the funding support to public education, community involvement and publicity activities, academic research, consultancy and technical studies in relation to the conservation of built heritage; and
  5. To advise on any other matters relating to the use of the BHCF as referred by SDEV.