About The Scheme

Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme

Importance of Heritage Conservation

Heritage bears witness to the development of our city and is a valuable and unique asset of our community. Hong Kong being a civilised and developed society, our citizens aspire for richness in life through links to our past and building a sense of identity through conservation of our heritage buildings.

Balancing Conservation And Development

Development and conservation are not opposing forces. We strive to strike a balance between sustainable development and heritage conservation. As one of the many measures to enhance heritage conservation, we will continue to adaptively re-use suitable government-owned historic buildings under the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme (Revitalisation Scheme).

Adaptive Re-use of Government-Owned Historic Buildings

We are committed to putting our historic buildings to good adaptive re-use. We aim to give these buildings a new lease of life for the enjoyment of the public.


Mode of Operation


The applicant should be a non-profit-making organisation (“NPO”) with charitable status under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) (“charitable organisation”).  An NPO can partner with non-charitable organisations (“NCOs”) in submitting a joint application, with the NPO as the principal applicant and NCOs as the cooperating applicant(s).  Application in personal capacity will not be accepted.

To accommodate interested organisations that may not already possess the charitable status, NPOs that have formally submitted applications for charitable status to the Inland Revenue Department will also be allowed to apply but the principal applicant must obtain the charitable status within nine months after the application deadline.


We look forward to the active participation of NPOs. For enquiries, please contact:

Address: Commissioner for Heritage’s Office, Development Bureau
Unit 701B, 7/F, Empire Centre, 68 Mody Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon
Email: rhb_enquiry@devb.gov.hk
Phone: 2906 1560
Fax: 2906 1574