Historic Building | Deadline for Submission |
Watervale House, Former Gordon Hard Camp | Noon on 10 April 2024 (Wednesday) (Completed) |
No. 23 Coombe Road | Noon on 2 January 2025 (Thursday) |
Old Lunatic Asylum (Chinese Block) | Application arrangements will be announced later. |
The applicant should be a non-profit-making organisation (“NPO”) with charitable status under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112). An NPO can partner with non-section 88 organisations (i.e. non-charitable organisations (“NCOs”)) in submitting a joint application, with the NPO as the principal applicant and NCOs as the cooperating applicant(s). Application in personal capacity will not be accepted.
To accommodate interested organisations that may not already possess the charitable status, NPOs that have formally submitted their applications to the Inland Revenue Department will also be allowed to apply but the principal applicant must have obtained the charitable status within nine months after the application deadline.
The completed application documents should reach the Commissioner for Heritage's Office, Development Bureau, Unit 701B, 7/F, Empire Centre, 68 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon by hand or by post or by electronic submission to rhb_enquiry@devb.gov.hk by the application deadline.
Architectural drawings of the No. 23 Coombe Road in PDF format are already included in the resource kit. Information containing drawings in AutoCAD format and Revit model can also be obtained by submitting a completed request form from link below.
Request Form of Architectural Drawings and BIM models of Historic Buildings
Please click here for details of Guided Tours and Workshop for the No. 23 Coombe Road